About us

History and Purpose of the
Nepal and Tibet Study Circle

The NTPSC was formed in 1974 as “The Nepal Study Circle” with the aim of encouraging the study of stamps and postal history of Nepal. Since then Tibet was included in the name. Articles on Sikkim and Bhutan are included in our magazine. Members are encouraged to publish their studies and the following have been completed so far;
  • The Native Postmarks of Nepal by Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl and Colin Hepper, 1978,
  • The Sri Pashupati Issues of Nepal by Colin Hepper
  • Nepal Postal History by Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl
  • The Classic Stamps of Nepal by Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl and Frank Vignola, May 1984
  • Nepal Postal Stationary by Dick van der Wateren, 1995
  • The Postal Markings of Tibet by Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl, 1996.
  • The Modern Postmarks of Nepal by Colin Hepper
  • Armand Singer had the following published:
    • Nepal 1772-1961 and beyond.
    • The Armand E. Singer Tibet, 1809-1975
    • Supplement to The Armand E. Singer Tibet 1809-1975
    • Officials of Tibet

We are a postal society with a world wide membership of approx. 150 and the vehicle that keeps the members informed of the latest information is a quarterly magazine “Postal Himal”. Postal Auctions are also held two or three times a year, which apart from helping to finance the society they are a good source of good quality material. Meetings are often held in conjunction with international exhibitions when a number of our members are attending that particular exhibition.

The NTPSC is affiliated with:

  • American Philatelic Society, Affiliate # 122
  • British Philatelic Federation, Affiliate # 435